Bag Filters

We offer wide range of Bag Filter Designed to handle heavy dust loads, a Dust Collector system consists of a blower, dust filter, a filter-cleaning system and a dust receptacle or dust removal system. It is distinguished from air cleaners which use disposable filters to remove dust. The dust-laden air enters the Bag Filter. The dust / powder separates inside the bag air filter chamber. The air is uniformly distributed avoiding channeling while the powder is separated. Initially a coat of material forms on the bags.

Subsequently, the coat acts as the filtering medium. The dust is accumulated on filter elements while the air passes through the filter bags from outside to inside. The accumulated powder is dislodged from the bags by reverse pulse jet air intermittently. The dislodged powder falls on bottom cone and is discharged through powder discharge valves. The dust free air is sucked by induced draft fan and is exhausted to atmosphere.